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Back before there were endless web sites with endless soul crushing job application forms, one would print a paper resume and mail it to potential employers. Spinnaker Better Working is a computerized tool that can help you manage and structure complex resumes.


For every Windows 3.1 user! Forty versatile text and decorative fonts in TrueType format that you can scale to any size for your screen and printer - true WYSIWYG memos, and reports to newsletters, brochures, and invitations.


Type! is an interactive typing tutor. Its lessons are optimized around research on how people learn to type. It includes both basic and special skill levels, and monitors your progress with detailed graphs.


An add-on for Microsoft Outlook


Calendar Creator Plus from Vermont Creative Software/Power Up, and later Spinnaker Software, is a tool for creating printed calendars with different styles and custom lists of events.


Managing Your Business With the Lotus 1-2-3 Program is an on-disk training system that focuses on the practical application of analyzing your business's performance while using the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. It includes quizzes, exercises, and sample spreadsheet templates.


Released by Cdex in 1983, this is an interactive training program that will teach you how to use VisiCalc. Cdex also sold training programs for WordStar, SuperCalc, EasyWriter ||, The IBM Personal Computer, and The Apple //e Personal Computer. There were versions for both the IBM PC an Apple II.


Citrix MetaFrame is an add-on for Windows Terminal Server that provides Citrix ICA connectivity and additional management tools. Unlike WinFrame, this is not an entire OS.


Claris Organizer is an easy to use personal information management (PIM) program for the classic Mac OS. It integrates calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes in to one small lightweight application. It has a variety of flexible print option and can print mailing labels. It competed with the Apple Newton PDA. Claris Organizer was praised for its small size and well thought out interface. It was sold to Palm when Claris was broken up, and was used as the basis for the Palm Desktop for Mac.


ClarisWorks is an all-in-one Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Graphics Editor, and Presentations tool from Claris. In 1998, after version 5.0.2, ClairsWorks was purchased by Apple and re-branded under the "AppleWorks" name. It is not related to the Apple II AppleWorks product.


ClickArt Personal Publisher is a simplified, Mac-like desktop publishing program. It was later purchased by Software Publishing Corporation and turned in to PFS:First Publisher, who then in turn sold it to Spinnaker Software where it became Easy Working Desktop Publisher


Coping With Job Stress, from Disk-Count Software Inc, is an interactive on-disk lesson about dealing with workplace job stress. It was a cheap educational budget title. The sort of thing that would sell for $6.96 at Wal-Mart. run it at work, and the box doesn't include a 3.5" disk for your new IBM PS/2.


Corel Draw is a vector based drawing and illustration program. It is primarily a Windows application, but was ported to Mac OS, Mac OS X, Linux, CTOS and OS/2. It competed against Aldus Freehand, Adobe Illustrator, and Micrografx Designer.


The ultimate DOS tutor. Everything you wanted to know about DOS and more.


Deneba Canvas is a shape based drawing and illustration program for the PC and mac. Unlike other publishing programs of the time, Canvas combined the ability to use vector graphics and raster images. It could also function as a word processor.


Easy Working Desktop Publisher is a rebranded version of PFS:First Publisher. PFS:First Publisher and the other PFS titles were acquired from Software Publishing Corp by Spinnaker Software in 1991.


Easy Working Typing Teacher is a low cost typist training program released as part of the Spinnaker "Easy Working" product family. Features an on-screen keyboard, built in help, drills, and statistics.


Expert Perfect Typing, from Expert Software, is a low-end budget typing training program for DOS systems. It features the ability to track the progress of multiple users, has multiple skill levels for both new and experienced typists, and has both lessons and tests.


Expert Software's Personal Publisher is a rudimentary (crude), desktop publishing program. It does not use a graphical user interface, more closely resembling a document processing program. It was sold as a cheap low-end "budget" title - the sort of thing one might find on the shelf at a department store.


This is a very low-end budget desktop publishing program from your glorious low-end budget crap software publisher Expert Software.


Expert Stationery Shop is a budget-oriented graphics program that specialized in quickly and easily creating glitzy looking business related documents, such as letterhead, envelopes, fax cover sheets, business cards, signs, and awards. It features specialized clipart, extra TrueType fonts, extra text effects, and a logo creation tool.


Expert Typing for Windows is a budget Windows based typing tutor sold by Expert Software.


Exploring the IBM PC Network is an animated guide that demonstrates the general use of IBM's PC Network software.


Exploring The IBM Personal Computer is a tutorial program included with IBM Personal Computers designed to help new users learn how to use their computer. There were different versions for the IBM PC, PCjr, XT and AT computers.


Express Publisher, by Power Up Software Corporation. is a very easy to use but somewhat limited entry level-desktop publishing program.