CorelDRAW 7.0

CorelDRAW is a vector based drawing and illustration program. Tools like CorelDRAW enabled desktop publishers to create professional quality illustrations that printed and scaled without distortion. It is primarily a Windows application, but was ported to Mac OS, Mac OS X, Linux, CTOS and OS/2. The earliest versions ran on Windows 2.

Targeted at both professionals and beginners, it featured ease of use, a robust set of drawing tools, a clipart library, high resolution fonts prior to TrueType, and detailed font manipulation. It was often a companion product to the bit-mapped photo editor Corel Photo-Paint. It competed against Aldus Freehand, Adobe Illustrator, and Micrografx Designer.

Wanted: Manual scans.

Product type
Application Graphics Publishing
Corel Corporation
Release date
User interface
Download count
43 (25 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
CorelDRAW 7 (1998) (ISO) 7 English 218.84MB 15
CorelDRAW 7 Select Edition [English Multi EN ES PT] (1998) (ISO) 7 Select Edition English Multi 175.67MB 10


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