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IBM Assistant Executive Solutions is a set of pre-designed forms and reports sold for use with IBM Filing Assistant. The forms are intended to help professionals organize appointments, personal and business checking accounts, portfolios, and more.


IBM Home Assistant is a bonus product often found with bundles of IBM Filing Assistant and the other IBM Assistant series. This was part of IBM's Assistant office product series for the IBM Personal Computer. This included IBM Writing Assistant, IBM Graphing Assistant, IBM Reporting Assistant, IBM Filing Assistant, IBM Document Retrieval Assistant, IBM Planning Assistant, IBM Assistant Home Solutions, IBM Assistant Accounting Solutions, IBM Assistant Executive Solutions, and later IBM DisplayWrite Assistant.


This is a set of trial applications from the IBM Assistant Series. It includes Writing Assistant, Filing Assistant, Graphing Assistant, and Planning Assistant. They are limited so they can not print or save.


IBM CAD/3X is an entry level, easy to use, 2D cad program with versions for both DOS and OS/2 1.30.


Communications Manager/2 is a server component for OS/2 1.3 that provides connectivity with IBM mainframes and acts as a gateway for OS/2, DOS, and Windows clients.


IBM Current 1.00 is a very useful Personal Information Manager designed for Microsoft Window 2.x. It contains a calendar, address book, phone dialer, outliner, text editor and can create Gantt charts for project tracking. It is highly customizable, and acts as a database where you can create categories with custom fields, custom entry form layouts, and even "connect" related fields between categories. On top of that, it features built in topic and context-sensitive help. Managers for Microsoft windows.


IBM Drawing Assistant is an easy to use drawing program that resembles Apple MacPaint.


IBM Filing Assistant is a data entry form designer and database. "The file designer and data source for the IBM Assistant series can help save time by reducing paperwork. Information filed on diskettes can be accessed and modified within a few quick keystrokes". IBM Filing Assistant is a re-branded version of PFS:File. It was sometimes sold with an optional set of templates called IBM Assistant Executive Solutions.


IBM Lotus Symphony is a suite of applications for creating, editing, and sharing text, spreadsheet, presentations and other documents and browsing the world wide web. IBM Lotus Symphony is virtually unrelated to the original Lotus Symphony.


The IBM PC Local Area Network Program (1.00 is just named "IBM PC Network Program") is an IBM rebadged version of Microsoft's MS-NET (later Lan Manager). It is a program that lets any workstation on a network share resources, such as drives or printers, with other workstations.


IBM Data is a high-end flat-file database management system targeted at large corporate users. It is part of the Personal Decision Series family, and reportedly a required prerequisite for other modules or "editions". by IBM.


Reports+ is a program generator that lets you design your own reports and screens, and enables you to design applications that can be run under the Personal Decision Series Data program.


Primary Editor Plus is a student's toolkit for writing and language arts activities in Kindergarten through grade eight. The program is a flexible entry-level word processor appropriate for young students or anyone who is new to word processing and computers.


Mailing Labels Edition is a member of the IBM Personal Decision Series that provides general purpose mailing label functionality to users of IBM PDS DATA Edition.


Reporting Assistant is a printed report generator for use with IBM Filing Assistant. It is an IBM rebranded version of PFS:Report


IBM Small Business Suite for Linux V1.6 is a Development Platform with a Set of Personal Productivity Tools. It was intended to simplify businesses transitioning to "e-business" by providing a foundation on which users could “webify” their businesses. It includes IBM and Lotus middleware products for Linux and Productivity tools for Windows.


IBM Storyboard is a presentation, charting, and animation program that was part of IBM's standard office products during the 1980s. First released in 1985, 1.00 only supports the IBM PC with CGA graphics. Later versions, including "Storyboard Plus" and "Storyboard Live", added EGA and VGA support and video capture. It competed against slideshow programs such as Show-Partner FX.


IBM Time Manager is a rudimentary scheduling application for the IBM PC. It lets you keep a calendar for an entire year, schedule items, make notes, set priority, and produce certain kinds of totals.


IBM/Lotus SmartSuite is an office suite from Lotus software for Windows and OS/2. SmartSuite includes SmartCenter, 1-2-3, Word Pro, Freelance Graphics, Approach, Organizer, and ScreenCam.


Slidewrite Plus is an easy to use general purpose business graphing and slide making program. It supports the usual bar, line, scatter, ,area, mixed hi-low, and pie charts. It competed against graphing programs like Harvard Graphics and Freelance.