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Originally released in 1984 by the Canadian company Xanaro that went bankrupt, and then by Migent, Ability is an integrated office suite for DOS that includes word processor, spreadsheet, database, telecommunications, business graphing, presentation graphics capabilities, and built in file management. It features good integration between the different components, with the ability to import, share, and dynamically update data between them. It was advertised as a very easy to use and a quick to learn system.


America Online was a proprietary dial-up online service that eventually grew to offerer Internet access. In the mid 1990s AOL was very heavily promoted. Every month or two, you were sure to get a free AOL floppy disk or CD-ROM in the mail. AOL originated as PC-Link.


AOL Instant Messenger is a once-popular messaging client popularized by America Online.


The Apple Network Administrator Toolkit is a set of tools for aiding centralized network management on early Macintosh computers. It also includes later versions of At Ease for Workgroups.


AppleWorks is an all-in-one Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Graphics Editor, and Presentations tool. The original product was a text-based product for the Apple II. The Apple Macintosh and Windows versions were forked from ClarisWorks in 1998 by Apple. At the time, Apple was under a lot of pressure to have a direct alternative to Microsoft Office. There were serious concerns that Microsoft might pull Microsoft Office for the Macintosh from development.


ARCserve, from Cheyenne Software Inc., is an enterprise grade backup software for Windows NT.


ArcView, from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. is a geographical information system program for Win9x/NT.


This server utility places and manages limits on the content size of network shares under Windows NT 4. Great for keeping users from hogging the entire file server!


Apple At Ease is a simplified menu shell for the Macintosh that replaces the default Finder desktop. It is intended primarily for kiosk, shared, or public computers where users should only have access to designated application programs. At Ease was available in both standard and workgroup flavors.


Borland Enterprise Server was Borland's Java EE Application Server. The product was developed in 1999 within the team of former Visigenic company that was acquired by Borland in 1997. Borland's Java Studio was supposed to have BES and JBuilder tightly integrated, but in reality this integration never happened. BES suffered compatibility problems even with Borland's own products (JDataStore, OptimizeIt). The appearance of free commercial grade (and more mature) application servers, like JBoss, made BES unattractive and unable to really compete with the former.


Borland Office is an office suite published by Borland built around WordPerfect, Paradox, and Quattro Pro. It competed unsuccessfully against Microsoft Office. It was later acquired by Novell and renamed "PerfectOffice", and then later became "Corel Office".


Citrix MetaFrame is an add-on for Windows Terminal Server that provides Citrix ICA connectivity and additional management tools. Unlike WinFrame, this is not an entire OS.


ClarisWorks is an all-in-one Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Graphics Editor, and Presentations tool from Claris. In 1998, after version 5.0.2, ClairsWorks was purchased by Apple and re-branded under the "AppleWorks" name. It is not related to the Apple II AppleWorks product.


Coherent, from Mark Williams Company, was a compact high speed Unix clone that was ported to a number of architectures including IBM PC.


ComuWorks is an entry-level budget oriented integrated all-in-one office suite for Microsoft Windows 3.1. It includes a word processor, spreadsheet, database, report writer, and charting tools.


Corel Office is a software bundle that includes WordPerfect and a number of other office applications. It competed unsuccessfully against Microsoft Office. This bundle started out as "Borland Office", was briefly known as "Novell PerfectOffice", then "Corel Office", and under Corel it later became "WordPerfect Office". (Not to be confused with the unrelated ~1990 groupware program, also called "WordPerfect Office")


Originally created by WordPerfect Corp in 1987 as WordPerfect Office (groupware), and acquired by Novell in 1994 where it became GroupWise, GroupWise is a cross-platform collaboration platform that includes email, calendaring, personal information management, instant messaging, and document management.


IBM Lotus Symphony is a suite of applications for creating, editing, and sharing text, spreadsheet, presentations and other documents and browsing the world wide web. IBM Lotus Symphony is virtually unrelated to the original Lotus Symphony.


IBM Small Business Suite for Linux V1.6 is a Development Platform with a Set of Personal Productivity Tools. It was intended to simplify businesses transitioning to "e-business" by providing a foundation on which users could “webify” their businesses. It includes IBM and Lotus middleware products for Linux and Productivity tools for Windows.


VisualAge for Java is an enterprise Java application development environment for teams of Java developers. It was available for Windows and OS/2


InfoMaker is a comprehensive reporting and data-analysis tools for rapidly unlocking business information. InfoMaker produces sophisticated data-driven reports for publication over the web or to end users anywhere. It features easy, visual form creation for viewing and editing of data, and printed report generation. It supports ODBC, that lets it connect to almost any database.


An HTTP webserver and application server for Windows.



Lotus 1-2-3 was an early spreadsheet application available for MS-DOS. It became extremely popular in the late 1980s, displacing the former leader VisiCalc. Lotus had difficulties adapting 1-2-3 to the Windows environment, and was overtaken by Microsoft Excel. Spreadsheet functionality was also included in Lotus Symphony. Later versions were included in Lotus SmartSuite.


IBM/Lotus SmartSuite is an office suite from Lotus software for Windows and OS/2. SmartSuite includes SmartCenter, 1-2-3, Word Pro, Freelance Graphics, Approach, Organizer, and ScreenCam.