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Ami Pro, also called just Ami initially, was a word processor sold by Samna and later Lotus Software, where it became Lotus Word Pro. Ami was one of the first word processors for Microsoft Windows, beating MS Word by about a year. Other early Windows word processors included NBI Legend and WinText


Aslightly LabelPro is a label printing utility for use in conjunction with Aslightly label products. It supports mail merge, graphics and text, postal bar codes, and includes clipart.


The Brown Bag Word Processor was an inexpensive word processor that offered features comparable to more expensive programs. It is essentially an OEM licensed version of Quicksoft's PC-Write with a different user interface. Formatting is done using "dot" commands and it includes a mail-merge module.


The IBM 3270 Personal Computer High Level Language Application Program Interface (abbreviated "HLLAPI") is a software tool which enables users to develop microcomputer applications that transparently establish 3270 emulation sessions when host data is needed.


The IBM Professional Debug Facility is a terminate-and-stay-resident debugging tool. You can use it with programs that can not be debugged with DOS DEBUG. It avoids DOS I/O calls to prevent conflicts with the running program.


Professional Editor is an early editor for the IBM PC. It makes extensive use of function keys, has user definable macros, and can work with files larger than available RAM. You WILL need to read the manual to use this!


Leading Edge Word Processing is an "easy to use", yet full-featured, word processor bundled with Leading Edge computers. It has operational similarities similar to Wang word processing systems. At release, special features included split-screen, delete recall, the ability to display and print color text, and character based graphics.



Word Pro was a word processor based upon Ami Pro (originally published by Samna).
Lotus acquired Samna in 1990. Word Pro 96 is the first release to no longer use the Ami Pro naming.


Professional Write, from Software Publishing Corporation, was a popular word processor for home use during the late 80s and early 90s. It features an easy to use menu system and an integrated spell checker. Professional Write was a revamp and replacement for SPC's earlier PFS:Write.


The Select Word Processor, from SELECT Information Systems, Inc., is a word processor for generic CP/M-80 based systems. There were also versions for MS-DOS and CP/M-86.


The StarProof Bridge is a utility that enabled IBM Word Proof to work with WordStar documents.


The Telxon TPRO Program Generator is a software package which allows you to use your IBM (or compatible) personal computer to quickly generate custom-designed data entry programs and load those programs into your Telxon PTC mobile data collection device.


TI-Writer was the standard word processor for the TI-99/4A. To use TI-Writer, you must have the TI-Writer cartridge (needed to load the disk software) and a TI-99/4A with the 32k RAM and disk expansion options.


Object Professional, from Turbo Power, is a library of window object types for Turbo Pascal Programmers, supporting overlapping resizable windows, menus, pick lists, data entry controls, and text editing.


Turbo Professional is a library of utilities, source, and documentation for turbo Pascal programmers. Includes TSR management, BCD arithmetic, windowing, menuing, EMS and XMS access routines, large arrays, macros, runtime error recovery.


Vistapro is a three-dimensional landscape simulation program. Using U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) files, Vistapro can accurately recreate real world landscapes in vivid detail. It can also create fractal based landscapes, and provides many customizations. Vistapro originated on the Amiga and also had a Macintosh port.