Search found 35 results.


Proteus Design Suite is a circuit design and simulation program.


The Roland Midi Music Recorder is an 8-channel music recorder, editor, and player designed for use with the Roland MPU401 MIDI adapter card. The MPU401 enables MIDI compatible musical instruments to connect to an IBM PC.


SimEarth, is a simulation game that lets you explore and experiment with the development of planets, the evolution of life, and the rise of civilization. You can adjust a planet's geological properties, atmospheric properties, life endurance properties, and civilization properties as it develops, or you can experiment with an existing planet such as Mars, Venus, or Earth. You can unleash disasters on a planet such as meteors, earthquakes, fires, or even nukes, to either hurt or help a planet along.


The Telxon TPRO Program Generator is a software package which allows you to use your IBM (or compatible) personal computer to quickly generate custom-designed data entry programs and load those programs into your Telxon PTC mobile data collection device.


Object Professional, from Turbo Power, is a library of window object types for Turbo Pascal Programmers, supporting overlapping resizable windows, menus, pick lists, data entry controls, and text editing.


Turbo Analyst, from Turbo Power, is a set of utilities, source code, and documentation for Turbo Pascal software developers. It includes tools to automate common programming tasks, such as a Pascal formatter, cross reference, execution timer, execution profiler, program indexer, and program listener.


Turbo Professional is a library of utilities, source, and documentation for turbo Pascal programmers. Includes TSR management, BCD arithmetic, windowing, menuing, EMS and XMS access routines, large arrays, macros, runtime error recovery.


First released in 1983 by T & W Systems Inc (later Versacad Corporation) and based on their earlier T-Square product, VersaCAD is a sophisticated professional object design and drawing tool for the IBM PC. It competed heavily against AutoCAD. A very in-depth history of VersaCAD can be found on Cadhistory (PDF Link)


Vianet, from Western Digital, is a cross platform peer to peer networking system that offers simplicity and ease of use. It was relatively low cost, and supports multiple network cards. Western Digital included it with their StarLAN hardware products. Network-OS, Lantastic, PC/NOS, ELS Netware II, LANsmart, DNA Networks, TOPPS/DOS DataLAN, and POWERlan.


WillMaker is a program that takes a set of simple human-understandable questions to produce the complex legal language and law considerations, required for a modern will.