Windows 3.0 / 3.1 3.0

Windows 3.x was the first to gain significant development and commercial traction. It combined the 8086, 286, and 386 modes of Windows 2 in to one package. It replaced the MSDOS Executive with a Program Manager and File Manager similar to those in OS/2 1.x. Much of its success was spurred by the availability and success of Microsoft Office. Although Microsoft would have had you believe otherwise, Windows 3.x was the direct foundation for Chicago/Windows 95.

Other Windows Versions:
| 1.0 | 2.x | 3.x | NT 3.x | 95 | NT 4.0 | 98 | 2000 | ME | All |

Product type
Release date
End of life date
Minimum CPU
8086/8088 or higher
Minimum RAM
Minimum free disk space
User interface
Download count
525 (108 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Microsoft Windows 3.0 (0.1 Pre-Release) (5.25) 3.0 (0.1 Pre-Release) Prerelease English 7.26MB 5
Microsoft Windows 3.0 (3.0 RC 6 Beta) 3.0 (RC 6 Beta) Prerelease English 4.39MB 1
Microsoft Windows 3.0 (3.00.133 Beta) (7-31-1989) (5.25-1.2mb) 3.0 (3.00.133 Beta) Prerelease English 49.24MB 5
Microsoft Windows 3.0 (3.00.55 Beta) [Incomplete] 3.0 (3.00.55 Beta) Prerelease English 3.84MB 9
Microsoft Windows 3.0 (3.5-720K) 3.0 English 3.94MB 21
Microsoft Windows 3.0 (5.25-1.2MB) 3.0 English 3.94MB 2
Microsoft Windows 3.0 (5.25-360k) 3.0 English 27.99MB 4
Microsoft Windows 3.0 Manual 3.0 English 91.08MB 1
Microsoft Windows 3.0 Multimedia Edition [NEC PC-9801] [NEC OEM] [Japanese] (3.5-1.23mb) 3.0 MME [NEC PC-9801] [NEC OEM] Japanese 5.83MB 2
Microsoft Windows 3.0 [German] (5.25-1.2mb) 3.0 German 4.01MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0 [Inboard 386] (5.25-360kb) 3.0 [Inboard 386] English 3.99MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0 [Italian] (3.5-720k) 3.0 Italian 3.8MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0 [NEC PC-9801] [Epson OEM] [Japanese] (3.5-1.23mb) 3.0 [NEC PC-9801] [Epson OEM] Japanese 4.27MB 2
Microsoft Windows 3.0 [Philips OEM] [Dutch] (3.5-720k) 3.0 [Philips OEM] Dutch 6.71MB 1
Microsoft Windows 3.0 [Spanish] (5.25-1.2mb) 3.0 Spanish 3.83MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0 [Swedish] (5.25-1.2mb) 3.0 Swedish 3.77MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0 [Zenith OEM] [French] (3.5-720k) 3.0 [Zenith OEM] French 3.82MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.02 [IBM OEM] [Japanese] (3.5-1.44mb) 3.02 [IBM OEM] Japanese 6.15MB 4
Microsoft Windows 3.0a (3.5-720K) 3.0a English 3.95MB 7
Microsoft Windows 3.0a (5.25-1.2MB) 3.0a English 3.95MB 3
Microsoft Windows 3.0a (5.25-360k) 3.0a English 5.9MB 3
Microsoft Windows 3.0a (Z-NIX OEM) (5.25-1.2mb) 3.0a English 10.94MB 1
Microsoft Windows 3.0a Multimedia Edition [Creative Labs OEM] (ISO) 3.0a MME [Creative Labs OEM] English 9.38MB 9
Microsoft Windows 3.0a Multimedia Edition [Tandy OEM] (BINCUE) 3.0a MME [Tandy OEM] English 268.43MB 18
Microsoft Windows 3.0a [French] (3.5-720k) 3.0a French 3.85MB 1
Microsoft Windows 3.0a [German] (5.25-1.2mb) 3.0a German 3.89MB 1
Microsoft Windows 3.0a [IBM OEM] [Danish] (3.5-720k) 3.0a [IBM OEM] Danish 3.78MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0a [Italian] (3.5-720k) 3.0a Italian 3.81MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0a [Itautec OEM] [Portuguese-Brazil] (3.5-1.44mb) 3.0a Portuguese-Brazil 3.99MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0a [Norwegian] (3.5-720k) 3.0a Norwegian 3.88MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0a [Portuguese-Brazil] (5.25-1.2mb) 3.0a Portuguese-Brazil 3.97MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0a [Spanish] (5.25-1.2mb) 3.0a Spanish 3.86MB 0
Microsoft Windows 3.0a [Swedish] (5.25-360k) 3.0a Swedish 3.76MB 1
Microsoft Windows 3.0a [Trad.Chinese] (5.25-1.2mb) 3.0a Trad.Chinese 9.98MB 5
Microsoft Windows 3.0b [NEC PC-9801] [NEC OEM] [Japanese] (3.5-1.23mb) 3.0b [NEC PC-9801] [NEC OEM] Japanese 4.75MB 2


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