Dashboard 2.x

Dashboard for Windows, originally from HP, is a convenient push-button utility which gives you quick access to and maximum control over your Windows programs.

Dashboard includes these features (and many more): Convenient menus and buttons for launching programs. Drag-and-drop support for printing, plotting, and faxing. Miniature screens that make it easy to work with several full-screen programs at once. An alarm clock with a built-in snooze alarm. And "At a glance" feedback to let you know which programs are running and how much memory you are using. It has a resemblance to the Unix Common Desktop Environment toolbar.

It was later sold through Borland, and then Starfish software.


Release notes

This version runs on Windows 3.1 only. During this release, ownership switched to Borland. Borland offered a bundled product with both Dashboard and Sidekick for Windows.

Product type
Application Utility
Release date
User interface
Download count
2 (1 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Dashboard for Windows v2.01 (Borland) (3.5-1.44mb) 2.01 (Borland) English 840.68KB 0
Dashboard for Windows v2.01 (HP) (3.5-1.44mb) 2.01 (HP) English 860.74KB 1


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