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Broderbund's 3D Home Architect is a home-design oriented CAD program. It includes a variety of home decor related objects, and can render the results in 3D.


Bank Street Writer is an easy to use word processor intended for beginners and educational use. It was very popular on the Apple II, but also had ports for Atari, Commodore 64, MSX, Macintosh, IBM PC, and IBM PCjr.


Banner Mania is a banner making program for IBM PC compatible computers, enabling the user to create banners, posters, signs and logos. It can create and print multi-page banners, with 19 different fonts and effects in 16 colors.


Type! is an interactive typing tutor. Its lessons are optimized around research on how people learn to type. It includes both basic and special skill levels, and monitors your progress with detailed graphs.


Fantavision was an animation program from Broderbund originally for the Apple II but later ported to the Amiga, IIGS, and DOS. It features animation "tweening" to create smooth movements, support for digital sound to accompany animation, object-oriented animation control, and comes with an animation library. Prior to the DOS version release, similar tools were mostly found only on the Apple Macintosh. Fantavision was marketed toward both home users and business professionals. The IBM PC version supports CGA, EGA, Tandy, and Hercules video.


MemoryMate is an easy to use memory-resident free-form database. It automatically indexes content so all you have to do is type in a keyword to find your record. As a free-form database, you can use it much like a Personal Information Manager, but you can use it for any kind of data you want. You can set it to show you "reminders" at a certain date.


PC Globe Maps N Facts is a multimedia reference tool from Broderbund that includes geographic maps, statistics, and information about countries all over the world. released under Broderbund.


The Print Shop is a home oriented publisher capable of creating calendars, banners, greeting cards and other printable goods. It started off on the Apple II and Commodore 64 where it became popular for its simplicity and ease of use. From day one, it featured interactive editing, on-screen artwork/layout selection, print previewing, and a library of customizable clipart.


As the name suggests, the Print Shop Companion is a companion product to The Print Shop. It contains extra miscellaneous functionality such as graphics editors and envelope printing.


The Print Shop PressWriter, from Broderbund, is a desktop publishing tool aimed at novice users. It comes with a simplified selection of pre-defined templates for newsletters, flyers, reports, resumes, brochures, and booklets. It includes a selection of extra fonts and clipart. It competed against PrintMaster Gold. Some versions were bundled with The Print Shop Deluxe for Windows.