Search found 12 results.


AppleWorks is an all-in-one Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Graphics Editor, and Presentations tool. The original product was a text-based product for the Apple II. The Apple Macintosh and Windows versions were forked from ClarisWorks in 1998 by Apple. At the time, Apple was under a lot of pressure to have a direct alternative to Microsoft Office. There were serious concerns that Microsoft might pull Microsoft Office for the Macintosh from development.


Managing Your Business With the Lotus 1-2-3 Program is an on-disk training system that focuses on the practical application of analyzing your business's performance while using the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. It includes quizzes, exercises, and sample spreadsheet templates.


Released by Cdex in 1983, this is an interactive training program that will teach you how to use VisiCalc. Cdex also sold training programs for WordStar, SuperCalc, EasyWriter ||, The IBM Personal Computer, and The Apple //e Personal Computer. There were versions for both the IBM PC an Apple II.


DataEase, from DataEase International Inc., USA., is a fast, easy to use yet powerful, menu-driven relational database development system for the IBM PC. Not copy protected.


Footprint Works is an office suite for OS/2 that includes a word processor, spreadsheet, and database. Later versions were known as IBM Works and were bundled with OS/2 Bonus Packs.


GCI/Lotus/IBM Freelance Graphics is a vector based presentation and graphing package developed for DOS, OS/2, and Windows. It was intended for use alongside Lotus 1-2-3. Later versions were part of SmartSuite. Before it was acquired by Lotus it was known Freelance, from Graphic Communications.


IBM Typing Tutor is an educational program sold by IBM alongside their original IBM PC. The software itself was licensed from Microsoft, and is notable as being one of only two known commercial programs that were sold for the IBM PC on cassette tape. (The other being IBM PC Diagnostics )


VisualAge for Java is an enterprise Java application development environment for teams of Java developers. It was available for Windows and OS/2



IBM/Lotus SmartSuite is an office suite from Lotus software for Windows and OS/2. SmartSuite includes SmartCenter, 1-2-3, Word Pro, Freelance Graphics, Approach, Organizer, and ScreenCam.


This is a set of development tools used to create network drivers for DOS and OS/2.


SynFile, from Synaps Software, is a database program for the Atari 400/800 computer.