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Telenet (later Sprintnet) was a worldwide communications network that connected terminal users and host computer systems, enabling them to access the Telemail host system by dialing a local telephone number and avoiding costly long-distance charges . conjunction with the Telemail service. The PC Telemail system enables your personal computer to mimic the functions of the Telemail host computer. It contains many additional features which enhance the use of the overall Telemail service. capabilities, forms design and creation, automatic and timed message exchange, Activity and status logs for tracking messages, and Communications with other computer systems.


This is a USA specific version of PC Globe. PC USA provides an electronic atlas of the USA that provides profiles, maps, geography, and graphics for the sates. It can generate a variety of reports using this data and export map graphics.


This is the client software used to communicate with Quantum Computer Service's PC-Link service. PC-Link followed the success of Quantum's Q-Link service for the Commodore 64. PC-Link was the predecessor to America OnLine.


PC-Xview is a mature X Windowing program for DOS. It supports a wide variety of DOS network clients


pcAnywhere is a tool that enables one to remotely control another computer, or to be remotely controlled.


Perfect Link, from Perfect Software, Inc, is a rudimentary terminal telecommunications program for DOS.


PFS Access is an easy to use, but rather basic, telecommunications program designed to fit in with the low cost PFS series products. It lacks many features found in more professional products.


PFS WindowWorks, from Spinnaker Software and Ancier Technologies, is an integrated all-in-one office application that includes a word processor, spreadsheet, chart editor, telecommunications, database, label maker and address book. Supposedly it was the first of such office suites for Windows 3.0, but soon competed with Microsoft Works for Windows. for Windows"](/product/better-working-eight).


Softkey PharmAssist is a simple and easy to use CD-ROM reference of medications and health information.


Pmcomm is an easy to use personal telecommunications program for IBM OS/2. Supports powerful features such as scripting.


ProComm, from Datastorm technologies, was a powerful and very popular telecommunications program for DOS and Windows. TERMULATOR, written to fill the gap left by shareware PC-Talk when its author died. protocols for uploading and downloading, and automatic redial. The commercial "ProComm Plus" includes a scripting language, more terminal types, additional file transfer protocols, context sensitive help, support for 8 COM ports, and a professionally written manual (telecommunications)](/product/microsoft_access_business_information_access_program), Crosstalk, Relay Gold, and PFS Access. Later, it competed with QModem and Telemate.


Prodigy was an online service that offered on-line news, forums, stock information, games, banking, online shopping, and e-mail. Its primary feature was that it used a fully graphical user interface, however it was limited to very low resolutions and slow dial-up speeds, making it impractical for displaying photographs or detailed graphical documents.


Professor DOS, from INDIVIDUAL Software, is a friendly interactive training guide that helps you learn how to use DOS on your IBM PC or compatible computer.


Professor WINDOWS, from INDIVIDUAL Software Incorporated, was a best selling Training program for and about Microsoft Windows 3.0. There was also a "Professor DOS"


PuTTY is a free and open-source terminal emulator, serial console and network file transfer application.


Qmodem was a friendly, well designed, and feature rich, commercial telecommunications program that was also distributed in shareware form. The first release was in 1984 by John Friel III, and sold to Mustang Software in 1991. During the early years, it competed with PC-Talk. During the later years, it competed with Procomm and Telemate.


Quick Link Fax, from Smith Micro Software, is a program for receiving and sending Faxes under DOS and Windows 3.1 with a compatible FAXModem. It competed against Delrina WinFax. On the Macintosh, Smith Micro provided MacComCenter.


Rand McNally New Millennium World Atlas is a world map that includes roads, geographical information, statistics, and area profiles.


Rand McNally Route Planner is an electronic atlas on a CD-ROM that enables you to plot routes to plan trips across the USA. It competed with DeLorme Street Atlas, and Microsoft Expedia Streets.


Reflection is a terminal emulator suite that connects PCs to mainframes, AS/400 and Unix hosts. Each emulator in the suite is designated by number: Reflection 1 is an HP terminal emulator, Reflection 2 is a VT320 terminal emulator, Reflection 4 is a VT340 emulator, and there are also terminal emulators for IBM 3270 and AS/400.


ReferenZing, from Great Bear Technology, makes a Windows-based dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia accessible from the menu bar in popular word processing applications such as Word Perfect, Microsoft Word and Ami Pro. The software's advanced search capabilities include six types of easy-to-use word searches: partial word, advanced search, rhymes, crosswords, anagrams and jumbles. Users can check spelling and definitions, add flare to writing by looking up new words in the thesaurus or find facts in the encyclopedia. ReferenZing's encyclopedia, The New American Desk Encyclopedia, features more than 14,000 entries, covering statistics, as well as biographical, historical and geographical information.


Relay/PC Gold is a powerful telecommunications program targeted at corporate users. It supports multiple communications sessions, scripting, file transfers, IBM 3270 connectivity, DEC Terminal emulation, and TCP/IP connectivity.


Sensei Calculus is an educational program for teaching calculus. It presents information and sample problems as a series of cards. You move through the cards and select answers as questions appear.


Hayes Smartcom is an easy to use communications program geared toward beginners. Hayes was a well known and popular maker of hardware modem products, and sold Smartcom alongside their hardware as a complementary product.


SmarTerm, from Persoft, is a series of terminal emulators that provide access to mainframe systems and time-sharing services. It emulates various models of "dumb" terminals and includes binary file transfer capability. It claims to feature more accurate emulation over competing products.