Oracle Forms and Reports 6i

Oracle Forms and Reports is a GUI application builder. It is similar to Visual Basic, but uses the PL/SQL language and integrates heavily with Oracle Server databases.


Release notes

Oracle Forms 6i was the last Win32 native version. All later versions are Java/Web based.

Installation instructions

Requires an Oracle 8, 9, 10, or 10g database server to operate.

Product type
Application Database
Release date
Thu Oct 26 2000
End of life date
Mon Dec 31 2007
User interface
Download count
59 (51 for release)


Download name Version Language Architecture File size Downloads
Oracle Forms 6i Patchset 17 6i Patchset 17 Upgrade English 86.48MB 13
Oracle Forms and Reports 6i 6i English 170.79MB 38


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