Search found 12 results.


ASM86 is a tool that compiles 8088/8086 assembler mnemonics in to machine code. The resulting machine code modules must then be processed by the separate Intel iAPX 86-88 Family Utilities.


DB86 is a debugging tool from Intel for use with Intel language products.


A set of utilities for use with the Intel Intel iC-86 Compiler and Intel PLM Compiler.


iC-86 is an optimizing C language compiler from Intel for the 8088, 8086, 186, 286, and 386 processors.


Utilities and drivers for Intel OverDrive processors.


PLM is a high-level programming language with many low-level features, originally developed in 1972 by Gary Kildall. PL/M was the first high-level language for microprocessor-based computers, and was used to implement CP/M. The Intel PLM Compiler is a tool that compiles PL/M to 8088/8086 machine code.


IntelliPoint is a set of mouse driver software for Microsoft's IntelliMouse series mice. This software is redistributable but posted here for convenience.


Telenet (later Sprintnet) was a worldwide communications network that connected terminal users and host computer systems, enabling them to access the Telemail host system by dialing a local telephone number and avoiding costly long-distance charges . conjunction with the Telemail service. The PC Telemail system enables your personal computer to mimic the functions of the Telemail host computer. It contains many additional features which enhance the use of the overall Telemail service. capabilities, forms design and creation, automatic and timed message exchange, Activity and status logs for tracking messages, and Communications with other computer systems.


A collection of memory management tools for 386 computers. Includes expanded memory manager, RAM disk, spooler, and cache software.


Telpac is a rudimentary telecommunications terminal emulation program intended for use with U.S. Robotics modems. It appears to be designed for compatibility with both IBM PC and Zenith Z-100 systems.


The Telxon TPRO Program Generator is a software package which allows you to use your IBM (or compatible) personal computer to quickly generate custom-designed data entry programs and load those programs into your Telxon PTC mobile data collection device.


The 10 Best Fortune Teller, from Expert Software, is a fun budget fortune telling program: "Excitement awaits on your mystical adventure into the future, these fun-filled fortunes will reveal the future, your personal matters and more - the most fascinating insights you'll ever find in a PC program"