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Comma Cat, part of the IBM Education Family, is an educational program that explains and illustrates the proper use of punctuation. The Comma Cat poems are based on a book of poems written by Dr. Edmund Skellings. The Comma Cat poems address the spirit of punctuation and also are models for similar electric poems that you may create.


Crypto-mania is an entertainment program that one can use to create or solve cryptograms - a set or words or sentences where letters are randomly swapped for another. Entertainment Series.


IBM Current 1.00 is a very useful Personal Information Manager designed for Microsoft Window 2.x. It contains a calendar, address book, phone dialer, outliner, text editor and can create Gantt charts for project tracking. It is highly customizable, and acts as a database where you can create categories with custom fields, custom entry form layouts, and even "connect" related fields between categories. On top of that, it features built in topic and context-sensitive help. Managers for Microsoft windows.


Dictionary Dog, part of the IBM Education Family, is an educational program that teaches children how to alphabetize and use a dictionary.


IBM DisplayWrite Assistant is a higher end word processor that has a user interface similar to IBM Writing Assistant, but has advanced features from IBM DisplayWrite. It can exchange information between other IBM Assistant series programs as well as DisplayWrite and IBM's mini/mainframe products. This was intended to bridge the gap with their entry level "Assistant" product line. Like DisplayWrite, it supported only a tiny handful of IBM printers.


The IBM "E" Editor is a text editor based on the IBM Personal Editor. Later versions were included in IBM PC-DOS. Version 3.x is sometimes referred to as "E3".


Part of the IBM Electric Literature Series, Electric Poet is a creative authoring system targeted at literary community-writers, teachers, and students to create presentations and lessons. Its documents are referred to as "poems".


The IBM EZ-VU Editor 1.0 is an editor specifically designed for writing code for the IBM EZ-VU system. It appears to support some code formatting and highlighting features.


EZ-VU Runtime Facility provides the runtime environment to support applications developed using the EZ-VU Development Facility. This product is to be used with products which call for it as a prerequisite. that acts as a "dialog manager" that provides controls and services for interactive programs in the PC environment.


IBM Filing Assistant is a data entry form designer and database. "The file designer and data source for the IBM Assistant series can help save time by reducing paperwork. Information filed on diskettes can be accessed and modified within a few quick keystrokes". IBM Filing Assistant is a re-branded version of PFS:File. It was sometimes sold with an optional set of templates called IBM Assistant Executive Solutions.


IBM Lotus Symphony is a suite of applications for creating, editing, and sharing text, spreadsheet, presentations and other documents and browsing the world wide web. IBM Lotus Symphony is virtually unrelated to the original Lotus Symphony.


IBM Morse Code Drills is an educational tool for learning and practicing Morse Code using your IBM Personal Computer.


IBM Data is a high-end flat-file database management system targeted at large corporate users. It is part of the Personal Decision Series family, and reportedly a required prerequisite for other modules or "editions". by IBM.


Reports+ is a program generator that lets you design your own reports and screens, and enables you to design applications that can be run under the Personal Decision Series Data program.


IBM Personal Science Laboratory is an educational and scientific microcomputer-based lab that attaches to IBM Personal Computers. ability to interface user-created sensor modules. variables, analyze data in both graphic and mathematical modes, and see immediate results from their experimental innovations.


Primary Editor Plus is a student's toolkit for writing and language arts activities in Kindergarten through grade eight. The program is a flexible entry-level word processor appropriate for young students or anyone who is new to word processing and computers.


IBM Private Tutor is an educational tool for creating, editing, displaying, logging, and reporting on-screen lessons and tutorials. Private Tutor lesson packages. Such titles include: Algebra Tutor, Beyond basic BASIC, Language Skills, Learning to Program in BASIC, Computers and Communications, Learning DOS 2 for Private Tutor, FORTRAN Tutor, Capitalization Skills, Multiplication Tables, Punctuation Skills, Reading Comprehension Skills, Spell Facts (Private Tutor series), Spelling Skills, Vocabulary Building Skills, Word Knowledge Skills, Basic Number Concepts, Math Computation Skills, Preparing for Geometry and Algebra, Solving Math Word Problems, and Writing Private Tutor Courses for the IBM.


Mailing Labels Edition is a member of the IBM Personal Decision Series that provides general purpose mailing label functionality to users of IBM PDS DATA Edition.


The IBM Professional Debug Facility is a terminate-and-stay-resident debugging tool. You can use it with programs that can not be debugged with DOS DEBUG. It avoids DOS I/O calls to prevent conflicts with the running program.


Professional Editor is an early editor for the IBM PC. It makes extensive use of function keys, has user definable macros, and can work with files larger than available RAM. You WILL need to read the manual to use this!


Reporting Assistant is a printed report generator for use with IBM Filing Assistant. It is an IBM rebranded version of PFS:Report


IBM Small Business Suite for Linux V1.6 is a Development Platform with a Set of Personal Productivity Tools. It was intended to simplify businesses transitioning to "e-business" by providing a foundation on which users could “webify” their businesses. It includes IBM and Lotus middleware products for Linux and Productivity tools for Windows.


IBM Typing Tutor is an educational program sold by IBM alongside their original IBM PC. The software itself was licensed from Microsoft, and is notable as being one of only two known commercial programs that were sold for the IBM PC on cassette tape. (The other being IBM PC Diagnostics )


This is a special OS/application CD-rom specifically for IBM Ultimedia computers. It contains pre-installs of OS/2 and Windows 3.x as well as Windows 3.0 Multimedia Edition add-on.


VisualAge for Java is an enterprise Java application development environment for teams of Java developers. It was available for Windows and OS/2