Windows 98 in MS-DOS mode freezes

edited July 2015 in Software

I downloaded a package of Windows 98 Second Edition from WinWorldPC. I am using VMware Workstation to run a virtual machine.

When I restart Windows 98 into MS-DOS mode, everything works fine. But when I move the mouse, MS-DOS mode freezes. I booted back into Windows 98 and everything works fine. In my old machine I moved the mouse in MS-DOS mode and it was okay. Does anyone know why this happens?

Thank you.
Vasja Stojkovic


  • Talking about the mouse on the host system or when you try to use the mouse in the VM?
  • I meant using the mouse in the virtual machine.
  • probably a driver issue in the VM. Are you using any DOS based drivers for the mouse?
  • I cannot upgrade the compatibility hardware for Windows 98 into version 10, because of my configuration. From Windows 98, in System Properties window, I only see that the mouse driver called "VMware Pointing Device" is installed. I tried to find an MS-DOS mouse driver using MS-DOS prompt in Windows 98, but file not found. Maybe because VMware Workstation doesn't support MS-DOS.

    Vasja Stojkovic

    EDIT: I've figured it out myself on how to fix the problem. I downloaded a mouse driver for MS-DOS from WinWorldPC. I restarted Windows 98 into MS-DOS mode and installed a mouse driver. When I move the mouse, everything is fine. Thank you very much for helping me.
  • Use the MOUSE.COM from VPC's diskette. You need a or mouse.sys in DOS to get a mouse.
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