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Business Session for Windows is a Terminal emulator that supports HP 2392, 2394, 700/92, 700/94, VT100, and HP ANSI terminal emulation. It supports Serial, modem, and LAN connection with virtual terminal, Telnet, and X.25. It also includes scripting, file transfer, Windows DDE support, and logging.


By Design is an add-on set of document design utilities, fonts, and clipart for WordPerfect. Graphics include lead characters, page borders, graphics fonts, and page headers. Templates include newsletters, letterheads, title pages, and business forms.


CO-Session is a remote communication access program that supports remote control, file transfer, automates session, and promoted itself as faster and more powerful than Carbon Copy Plus.


This is a set of trial applications from the IBM Assistant Series. It includes Writing Assistant, Filing Assistant, Graphing Assistant, and Planning Assistant. They are limited so they can not print or save.


IBM DisplayWrite Assistant is a higher end word processor that has a user interface similar to IBM Writing Assistant, but has advanced features from IBM DisplayWrite. It can exchange information between other IBM Assistant series programs as well as DisplayWrite and IBM's mini/mainframe products. This was intended to bridge the gap with their entry level "Assistant" product line. Like DisplayWrite, it supported only a tiny handful of IBM printers.


The Mainframe Communication Assistant is an IBM PC terminal emulator that emulates IBM 3101 and 3270/78/79 terminals over an asynchronous serial connection, with additional VM/CMS and MVS/TSO support programs. It is part of the IBM Assistant Series.


The IBM Professional Debug Facility is a terminate-and-stay-resident debugging tool. You can use it with programs that can not be debugged with DOS DEBUG. It avoids DOS I/O calls to prevent conflicts with the running program.


Professional Editor is an early editor for the IBM PC. It makes extensive use of function keys, has user definable macros, and can work with files larger than available RAM. You WILL need to read the manual to use this!


IBM Small Business Suite for Linux V1.6 is a Development Platform with a Set of Personal Productivity Tools. It was intended to simplify businesses transitioning to "e-business" by providing a foundation on which users could “webify” their businesses. It includes IBM and Lotus middleware products for Linux and Productivity tools for Windows.


IBM Writing Assistant is an early word processor sold by IBM with their IBM PC computers. It is basically a re-branded version of PFS:Write It features a built in spell checker, and the ability to include data and graphs from other IBM Assistant programs.


Leading Edge Word Processing is an "easy to use", yet full-featured, word processor bundled with Leading Edge computers. It has operational similarities similar to Wang word processing systems. At release, special features included split-screen, delete recall, the ability to display and print color text, and character based graphics.



LIMSIM is a relatively easy-to-use commercial program for 286 based and later computers that emulates paged EMS memory using standard 286/386 XMS memory.


First released in 1985, the Microsoft Access Business Information Access Program is a telecommunications program that features VT100, VT52 and TTY terminal emulation, macros, a powerful scripting language, self-learning scripts, data import/export facilities, multiple windowed sessions, and built in support for a variety of on-line services. It competed with Procomm, Crosstalk, Relay Gold, and PC-Talk.


Professional Write, from Software Publishing Corporation, was a popular word processor for home use during the late 80s and early 90s. It features an easy to use menu system and an integrated spell checker. Professional Write was a revamp and replacement for SPC's earlier PFS:Write.


The Roland Midi Music Recorder is an 8-channel music recorder, editor, and player designed for use with the Roland MPU401 MIDI adapter card. The MPU401 enables MIDI compatible musical instruments to connect to an IBM PC.


SimEarth, is a simulation game that lets you explore and experiment with the development of planets, the evolution of life, and the rise of civilization. You can adjust a planet's geological properties, atmospheric properties, life endurance properties, and civilization properties as it develops, or you can experiment with an existing planet such as Mars, Venus, or Earth. You can unleash disasters on a planet such as meteors, earthquakes, fires, or even nukes, to either hurt or help a planet along.


Object Professional, from Turbo Power, is a library of window object types for Turbo Pascal Programmers, supporting overlapping resizable windows, menus, pick lists, data entry controls, and text editing.


Turbo Professional is a library of utilities, source, and documentation for turbo Pascal programmers. Includes TSR management, BCD arithmetic, windowing, menuing, EMS and XMS access routines, large arrays, macros, runtime error recovery.


Varsity Scripsit is a menu driven, easy to use, low cost word processor sold by Tandy/RadioShack and targeted toward academic users. It features footnotes, built in help, split screen, spell checker, automatic hyphenation, table of contents and keyword index generation, user definable macros, reference markers, paragraph locking, line drawing, and phonetic symbols.


VisiSpell is a standalone spell checker for DOS, that is intended for use with VisiCorp VisiWord but can be used with any text document. Targeted at business users, it contains a dictionary of over 100,000 words, supports a user customizable dictionary, and can remember your typing habits when suggesting replacements.


VisiWord is a solid and well designed word processor for the IBM PC from VisiCorp. It was part of VisiCorp's integrated office application suite that also included VisiCalc, VisiFile, VisiSpell, VisiTrend/Plot, VisiSchedule and VisiTutor. It competed against EasyWriter and Volkswriter. This software runs under DOS 1.x and DOS 2.x. A follow up update to VisiWord offered better integration with VisiSpell. a GUI based environment. But that did not catch on. The similarly named Visi On Word word processor is not directly related to VisiWord.


WordVision was a word processor from 1983 for the IBM PC with some features unique for the time period, such as unerase, automatic document saving, and long descriptive filenames at a time when DOS did not contain that support. self booting: You booted from it to create working copies. The typical error beep was also replaced with a more pleasing "chime" sound while the program operated.