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The IBM Professional Debug Facility is a terminate-and-stay-resident debugging tool. You can use it with programs that can not be debugged with DOS DEBUG. It avoids DOS I/O calls to prevent conflicts with the running program.


LIMSIM is a relatively easy-to-use commercial program for 286 based and later computers that emulates paged EMS memory using standard 286/386 XMS memory.


Microsoft Musical Instruments is a multimedia CD ROM encyclopedia of musical instruments from around the world. Part of the Microsoft Home family of multimedia products.


This is a promotional collection of documents in HTML format released in 1997 describing Microsoft's upcoming plans for future versions of Windows.


The Roland Midi Music Recorder is an 8-channel music recorder, editor, and player designed for use with the Roland MPU401 MIDI adapter card. The MPU401 enables MIDI compatible musical instruments to connect to an IBM PC.


SimEarth, is a simulation game that lets you explore and experiment with the development of planets, the evolution of life, and the rise of civilization. You can adjust a planet's geological properties, atmospheric properties, life endurance properties, and civilization properties as it develops, or you can experiment with an existing planet such as Mars, Venus, or Earth. You can unleash disasters on a planet such as meteors, earthquakes, fires, or even nukes, to either hurt or help a planet along.


Object Professional, from Turbo Power, is a library of window object types for Turbo Pascal Programmers, supporting overlapping resizable windows, menus, pick lists, data entry controls, and text editing.


Turbo Professional is a library of utilities, source, and documentation for turbo Pascal programmers. Includes TSR management, BCD arithmetic, windowing, menuing, EMS and XMS access routines, large arrays, macros, runtime error recovery.