
Search found 55 results.


ArcView, from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. is a geographical information system program for Win9x/NT.


BitWare, from Cheyenne, is a Fax program for Windows that was often bundled with modems. It also includes the BitCom terminal program. It competed against Delrina Winfax and FaxWorks.


Borland Office is an office suite published by Borland built around WordPerfect, Paradox, and Quattro Pro. It competed unsuccessfully against Microsoft Office. It was later acquired by Novell and renamed "PerfectOffice", and then later became "Corel Office".


Multiuser Link is a telecommunications program that Connects a PC running DOS or OS/2 to a Citrix Multiuser system via standard RS-232C serial directly or with a modem.


Clarion is an advanced user friendly 4GL DBMS and programming environment for DOS and Windows. It boasted the ability to greatly reduce application development time, featured highly integrated visual creation tools, and a powerful set of program functions.


ClarisWorks is an all-in-one Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Database, Graphics Editor, and Presentations tool from Claris. In 1998, after version 5.0.2, ClairsWorks was purchased by Apple and re-branded under the "AppleWorks" name. It is not related to the Apple II AppleWorks product.


Produced by Traveling Software, the authors of LapLink, CommWorks is a suite of communications applications including CommWorks Control Center, TS Fax, TS OnLine, and Laplink.


CompuServe Information Manager is the client software used for accessing the CompuServe service.


ComuWorks is an entry-level budget oriented integrated all-in-one office suite for Microsoft Windows 3.1. It includes a word processor, spreadsheet, database, report writer, and charting tools.


Eudora Pro, originally developed at the University of Illinois, was a very popular commercial POP 3/SMTP internet e-mail client for Microsoft Windows and Macintosh. Qualcomm also produced a free, less featured version called Eudora Light.


ExpressFax is a program, from the makers of WordPerfect, designed to send and receive faxes. It includes a phone book and optical character recognition.


FaxWorks Pro, from Softnet of Marietta GA, is an efficent and user friendly fax program. It includes OCR with support for Twain scanners, and can exchange data with various Personal Infromation Managers. Many OEMs bundled FaxWorks with their modems. It competed against Delrina Winfax and BitWare.


FileMaker is a very easy to use graphical flat-file database management tool from Claris that allows for visual form and report creation. Originally for DOS, there were Macintosh versions and later it was ported to Windows.


Footprint Works is an office suite for OS/2 that includes a word processor, spreadsheet, and database. Later versions were known as IBM Works and were bundled with OS/2 Bonus Packs.


Forms Maker and Filler is a budget program for making computerized forms. It has two components, a Designer used to create forms, and a Filler used to fill out the contents of the forms.


FormTool is an easy to use form creation and data entry application.


HyperAccess is a telecommunications program that features easy to use scripting and a large number of file transfer protocols. There were versions for DOS, OS/2 and Windows.


IBM Current 1.00 is a very useful Personal Information Manager designed for Microsoft Window 2.x. It contains a calendar, address book, phone dialer, outliner, text editor and can create Gantt charts for project tracking. It is highly customizable, and acts as a database where you can create categories with custom fields, custom entry form layouts, and even "connect" related fields between categories. On top of that, it features built in topic and context-sensitive help. Managers for Microsoft windows.


Informix is a powerful high-speed high-end multi-user relational database program originally developed for Unix and Xenix in the C programming language. It includes form and report building tools.


FormFlow is a comprehensive business form and workflow automation tool. It is designed to interface with many different kinds of databases and many different e-mail, network, and fax sources. The "Filler" is essentially just the client runtime and does not include form creation or management abilities.


LinkRight is a serial/parallel port file transfer utility for OS/2, and includes a DOS version. The included LinkRight Cloner tool copies a complete OS/2 partition including boot information. It is similar to LapLink, and can use a "LapLink" parallel cable.


Lotus Approach, originally from Approach Software Corporation, is a relational database management system. Approach promises "instant productivity" with its WYSIWYG form and report designer, and is compatible with many existing database formats. Approach started off as an independent product, was purchased by Lotus, and later IBM. It was included in Lotus SmartSuite for Microsoft Windows.


Lotus Forms is an electronic form creation tool for Microsoft Windows. Lotus Forms uses a Designer to create forms and a Filler client program to fill out forms. electronically through Lotus Notes, cc:Mail, and Microsoft Mail. It supports arbitrary pen-like markup, and can interface with databases. At the release of 1.0 the filler client only supported Windows.


IBM/Lotus SmartSuite is an office suite from Lotus software for Windows and OS/2. SmartSuite includes SmartCenter, 1-2-3, Word Pro, Freelance Graphics, Approach, Organizer, and ScreenCam.


Microsoft Access is a powerful and friendly desktop database. You can design complex tables, forms, and reports through selection and drag-and drop. You can make a fully usable interactive database application without a line of code, but for more advanced functionality it supports built-in Visual Basic for Applications. It is also bundled with some versions of Microsoft Office