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Get Organized is a bare-bones integrated tool that includes a word processor, address book, index card file, notepad, calculator, calendar, and simplistic telecommunications. It was targeted at high end home users and low end business users.


The IBM "E" Editor is a text editor based on the IBM Personal Editor. Later versions were included in IBM PC-DOS. Version 3.x is sometimes referred to as "E3".


The Enhanced 5250 Emulation Program provides IBM PCs attached to an IBM System/34, System/36, or IBM System/38 the ability to act as a workstation.


The IBM EZ-VU Editor 1.0 is an editor specifically designed for writing code for the IBM EZ-VU system. It appears to support some code formatting and highlighting features.


Primary Editor Plus is a student's toolkit for writing and language arts activities in Kindergarten through grade eight. The program is a flexible entry-level word processor appropriate for young students or anyone who is new to word processing and computers.


Professional Editor is an early editor for the IBM PC. It makes extensive use of function keys, has user definable macros, and can work with files larger than available RAM. You WILL need to read the manual to use this!


This is a special OS/application CD-rom specifically for IBM Ultimedia computers. It contains pre-installs of OS/2 and Windows 3.x as well as Windows 3.0 Multimedia Edition add-on.


Leading Edge Word Processing is an "easy to use", yet full-featured, word processor bundled with Leading Edge computers. It has operational similarities similar to Wang word processing systems. At release, special features included split-screen, delete recall, the ability to display and print color text, and character based graphics.


VEDIT, from CompuView, is an extremely powerful, flexible, and customizable editor designed for power users and programmers. It can handle extremely huge files. It has a programmable command mode that can be used to automatically perform complex operations on files. It features a completely customizable keyboard layout and special features for editing programming language source files. supported a large number of terminal types.


VisiSchedule, from VisiCorp, is an interactive visually-oriented project task scheduling program. It gives you the tools to control projects, meet deadlines, level resources, and beat cost targets. As you develop your project you can use it to create "What-if" scenarios, and instantly see the results.