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ArcView, from Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. is a geographical information system program for Win9x/NT.


MultiExpress Data and Fax 3.0 is one of a number of packages in the MultiExpress product series. This package includes MutliExpressFAX, a tool for receiving and sending FAXes, and MultiExpress Terminal, a terminal program for connecting to BBSes or mainframes.


Powersoft PowerViewer is a powerful business graphing and reporting tool that includes the ability to connect to a wide variety of databases. The modern bullshit term for this kind of software is "Business Intelligence" software. It features the ability to let users quickly create complex yet good looking presentation-quality reports from data in a database. PowerViewer was sold alongside Powersoft PowerBuilder.


Xerox Globalview is a desktop environment and office suite originally developed for the Xerox Star. It was developed in the MESA programming language on the Xerox Star, and ported to Sun Solaris, OS/2, and Windows 3.1 (The OS/2 version requires a MESA emulator card).


Zenographics Pixie is a simplified, easy to use business presentation and graphing program. It is designed to work with Microsoft Windows 2.x. It was designed to interoperate with their high end Zenographics Mirage graphics software. It can export to Mirage, CGM, and Windows metafiles, and provide output to film recorders.