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IBM Typing Tutor is an educational program sold by IBM alongside their original IBM PC. The software itself was licensed from Microsoft, and is notable as being one of only two known commercial programs that were sold for the IBM PC on cassette tape. (The other being IBM PC Diagnostics )


IBM Diskette Librarian is a small database that keeps track of your files across multiple floppy disks.


Peachtree Mailing List Manager, from Peachtree Software Incorporated, is a mailing list manager included with Peachtree software bundles.


This is the driver software used to configure and access a Davong internal hard disk controller for the IBM PC. This controller was significant as being one of the few hard disk systems accessible under DOS 1.x. system instead partitions the disk in to several smaller drives.


IBM Asynchronous Communications Support contains a rudimentary telecommunications terminal emulation program written in IBM BASIC. It was provided alongside IBM PCs and the IBM asynchronous communications adapter (serial port card).


These are drivers and sample programs for use with the FTG Data Systems FT-156 light pen. This is a light pen that attaches directly to an IBM Color Graphics Adapter card.


The IBM SNA 3270 Emulation and RJE Support package is a tool that provides SNA/SDLC mainframe communications protocol support so that one may transfer files directly to and from an IBM mainframe. Requires an IBM SDLC network adapter.


Perfect Link, from Perfect Software, Inc, is a rudimentary terminal telecommunications program for DOS.


VisiTutor is a computerized tutorial program that will guide a user through how to use VisiCorp VisiWord.


IBM Word Proof is a stand-alone spell checker for the IBM PC with a list of over 125,000 standard English words. It can also find synonyms and anagrams, and features a built-in full screen editor. You may add your own specialized words to its list.


Released by Cdex in 1983, this is an interactive training program that will teach you how to use VisiCalc. Cdex also sold training programs for WordStar, SuperCalc, EasyWriter ||, The IBM Personal Computer, and The Apple //e Personal Computer. There were versions for both the IBM PC an Apple II.


TTY Communications is a rudimentary dial up/terminal emulation telecommunications package sold with the Texas Instruments Personal Computer.


A Powerful and sophisticated communications package that lest you communicate with any computer information service, such as CompuServe and Dow Jones News/Retrieval. There's even an option that lets you use the auto-dial feature found on many telephone modems! Videotex Plus includes on-screen editing for tailoring of the auto-logon on sequence to your particular needs.


Success With Math was a popular series of educational programs designed to drill and practice math problems. There were versions for the Apple II, C64, and Atari.


IN:TOUCH is a Telecommunications program specifically written for the Bytec Hyperion, a Canadian luggable that beat Compaq to the market, but is not quite 100% IBM PC compatible.


Type Faces is a program that can print word processing documents using a number of fancy fonts. The fonts are rendered graphically so you are not dependent on the fonts included with your printer. At the smaller sizes, the fonts are letter quality. Type Faces supports formatting codes that you can insert in to your documents, such as right justify, centering, and underline.


StarBurst is an office workflow process automation tool that integrates with other MicroPro products. StarBurst features a programming language and screen builder that can collect data from users, manipulate files, and control MicroPro programs such as WordStar.


Personal Communications Manager is a telecommunications program that can connect the IBM PC to online services over a standard telephone line using a modem. It comes pre-configured for use with MCI Mail, Dow Jones, and CompuServe.


Touch Typist, from Newline software, is a small typing training program that is specific to Zenith-Z100 computers.


Memory Shift is a very early task switching program for DOS. It operates by "partitioning" the computer's memory and loading different applications in to each partition. It can then switch between each application and share data between applications.


Managing Your Business With the Lotus 1-2-3 Program is an on-disk training system that focuses on the practical application of analyzing your business's performance while using the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet. It includes quizzes, exercises, and sample spreadsheet templates.


Part of the IBM Education Series, I Can Be Anything is a program that lets children age eight and older create graphics. The program comes with 250 redesigned shapes grouped by occupation and is useful in stimulating conversation about occupational goals and educational requirements necessary to attain these goals.


The IBM EZ-VU Editor 1.0 is an editor specifically designed for writing code for the IBM EZ-VU system. It appears to support some code formatting and highlighting features.


Part of the IBM Education Series, Learning DOS 2.00 is an interactive tutorial that includes practicing DOS commands, how to create, copy and manage files, how to use batch files and fixed disk, and organizing directories.


Part of the IBM Education Series, Learning to Program in BASIC is an interactive tutorial that includes lessons on Arithmetic Operations, Simple Input and output, program control, arrays, program practices and debugging, advanced printing, and stream and record files.