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Drafix is a powerful, high performance, and feature rich 2-dimensional computer aided design tool. Despite being a 2-D CAD program, it had many features of high end 3-D CAD software, and competed directly with AutoCAD. Drafix was first was fist released in 1986 for DOS, and was the first professional CAD program released for Microsoft Windows.


Easy Chefs One Million Recipes, from American Cooking Resources, is one big multimedia CD that contains a huge card file of food recipes. It literally has over a million recipes stored in its searchable database.


Microsoft Encarta was a home oriented interactive encyclopedia that was often sold with new OEM machines. Unlike a paper encyclopedia, Encarta took full advantage of being on a computer, with updates from the Internet, sound clips and movies, interactive charts and games, and good navigation.


Encarta Virtual Globe is a companion multimedia product to Microsoft Encarta, and was also included on the Encarta Reference Suite DVD. Microsoft Encarta Virtual Globe contains detailed geographical and topographical maps and information, a huge database of places, geography games, satellite photographs, and 3D "flights" over major landmarks.


Expedia Streets, from Microsoft, is a multimedia street atlas similar to Delorme Street Atlas. It competed with DeLorme Street Atlas, and Rand McNally Route Planner.


Expert draw is an easy to use budget drawing programs for the Macintosh sold through Expert Software. It features a library of editable clipart, and shape based drawing tools.


Expert Stationery Shop is a budget-oriented graphics program that specialized in quickly and easily creating glitzy looking business related documents, such as letterhead, envelopes, fax cover sheets, business cards, signs, and awards. It features specialized clipart, extra TrueType fonts, extra text effects, and a logo creation tool.


Faces 3.0 is a face composting tool similar to that which law enforcement uses. Select from a large number of facial features and parameters to re-create almost any face.


Family Origins Deluxe is a genealogy tracking program that lets you keep track of family history and plot family trees.


Fauve Matisse was an extremely slick and powerful natural media paint and image manipulation program. It sold for a fraction of the price of the market leader Fractal Design Painter, and had a number of more powerful features like floating layers in its early versions. Matisse (and Fauve Software) died when the two brothers who owned it bet the farm on a high-end image-manipulation program called X-res - and lost. Ironically, X-res (and Matisse)was acquired by Macromedia.,While X-res continued to be published by Macromedia, Matisse was allowed to slip into a quiet grave." (And Macromedia was in turn bought out by Adobe). software that supported multiple free-floating layers of images.


Macromedia Flash is a vector animation package originally developed by FutureWave and later acquired by Adobe. Flash can export animation as video files or in its own proprietary interactive vector animation format playable by the Flash Player. Flash versions prior to 5 do not include the ActionScript scripting language. The interaction is instead scripted using drag-an-drop "actions".


FontMinder, by Dennis Harrington & Costas Kistos, is a font management tool that streamlines the installation and archival of Windows TrueType and Adobe Type Manager fonts.


Bitstream Fontware is a tool that converts commercial vectored fonts in to formats for use with applications such as Aldus Pagemaker running under Microsoft Windows 2. The program itself is DOS-based but the fonts it generates are for Windows.


FontWorks is a utility that prints documents using high quality fonts on a dot-matrix printer. It was commonly sold as a companion product to AppleWorks on the Apple II. It can print sideways, it includes a number of high quality fonts, and includes a font editor.


Footprint Works is an office suite for OS/2 that includes a word processor, spreadsheet, and database. Later versions were known as IBM Works and were bundled with OS/2 Bonus Packs.


FormWorx is a tool for quickly and easily creating high quality printed forms with your personal computer. It comes with a large library of customizable pre-made standard forms. With "Fill & File" you may enter data in to fields or populate multiple forms from a database. Earlier versions were available for DOS.


Dabbler, by Fractal Design, was released as a cut down version of Fractal Design Painter, and later re-branded as "Art Dabbler" (when Fractal Design merged with MetaCreations). Dabbler used the brush on canvas metaphor, allowing the artist to build up density/opacity by repeating strokes over the same part of the image. Interestingly, it also was capable of using many of the Adobe defined .8bf plugin filters for special effects.


Fractal Design Painter is a painting program that provides a number of unique effects, that can make use of pressure-sensitive tablets. Its drawing capabilities can mimic brush effects such as oil and water color painting.


FrameMaker, originally from Frame Technology Corporation and later Adobe, is a professional document system for creating large, complex documents with highly structured layout. It was often accompanied by FrameReader.


FrameReader is a document viewer for Frame Technology/Adobe FrameMaker.


FreeHand is a vector based drawing program used to create illustrations. It is similar to CorelDraw and Adobe Illustrator. Initially it offered more features and flexibility than illustrator. It was created by Altsys, sold through Aldus, then sold to Macromedia, and then finally was assimilated by Adobe. Later versions repositioned itself as a content creation system for the web through Flash. The final version was Freehand MX (version 11) in 2003.


GCI/Lotus/IBM Freelance Graphics is a vector based presentation and graphing package developed for DOS, OS/2, and Windows. It was intended for use alongside Lotus 1-2-3. Later versions were part of SmartSuite. Before it was acquired by Lotus it was known Freelance, from Graphic Communications.


Full Impact is an advanced, easy-to-use, high performance spreadsheet from Ashton-Tate. Compared to other spreadsheets of the time, its main advantage was superior graphing abilities. Full Impact sold alongside other Ashton-Tate products such as dBase, Applause, and FullWrite.


FullPaint, originally created by Ann Arbor Softworks, is a MacPaint work-alike for the Macintosh that adds many enhancements and improvements over MacPaint. It was acquired by Ashton-Tate as an attempt to enter the Macintosh market.


Greetings, from Parsons Technologies, is a budget greeting card, poster, and banner generator for Macintosh and Windows. It includes a set of graphic clipart. Greetings is more free-form than most card creators and does not try to guide the user through each step. It was sometimes given away as a freebee. Not to be confused with Microsoft Greetings.