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Mathcad is computer software primarily intended for the verification, validation, documentation and re-use of engineering calculations.


Mathematica, from Wolfram Research, Inc., is a mathematical and scientific application to formulate complex equations. and Mathworks MatLab.


MathType is a tool for creating printable mathematical formulas. It includes a set of special fonts with mathematical symbols, and the application helps compose them. The results can then be copied in to word processors, or exported to graphics files. Editor.


MatLab is a high speed, interactive programming utility for manipulating, calculating, and plotting complicated mathematical equations. It is considered easy to use for those familiar with typical algebra equations.


StatWorks, from Cricket Software, is a very powerful statistics software package for the Macintosh designed for a wide variety of applications. It enables all who work with numbers to do statistical computations without spending hours learning "high level" languages or going through several stages to compile analysis.